Facing a challenge?
Leave it to Tolka!

Let AppWorks accelerate your business
Smartphone popularity has reached a very high level throughout the world. More and more businesses are now commissioning apps to increase customer engagement and loyalty.
Tolka offers a range of app development and refinement services. Our customers include well-known brands such as Google, Roku, Samsung and Sony.
Tolka AppWorks builds on our long experience in developing hardware, software and cloud-related products for the global digital media marketplace.
Each app development project begins with initial planning discussions to establish the exact challenges which the customer is facing. Having determined the features required and operating platforms to be supported, we then create a prototype user interface and operating workflow. Once the preliminaries are confirmed with the customer, the App is soon ready for preflight testing and completion. Support for future mobile phone standards is always available.
AppWorks advantages
- Efficient, building on the proven experience of Tolka’s talented development team.
- Fast. Projects can be completed, tested and ready for launch within a tight timescale.
- Scalable. Support for any or all major smartphone and mobile tablet platforms can be specified from the start or introduced gradually.
- Cloud base analysis and decoding

Let AppWorks accelerate your business
Smartphone popularity has reached a very high level throughout the world. More and more businesses are now commissioning apps to increase customer engagement and loyalty.
Tolka offers a range of app development and refinement services. Our customers include well-known brands such as Google, Roku, Samsung and Sony.
Tolka AppWorks builds on our long experience in developing hardware, software and cloud-related products for the global digital media marketplace.
Each app development project begins with initial planning discussions to establish the exact challenges which the customer is facing. Having determined the features required and operating platforms to be supported, we then create a prototype user interface and operating workflow. Once the preliminaries are confirmed with the customer, the App is soon ready for preflight testing and completion. Support for future mobile phone standards is always available.
AppWorks advantages
- Efficient, building on the proven experience of Tolka’s talented development team.
- Fast. Projects can be completed, tested and ready for launch within a tight timescale.
- Scalable. Support for any or all major smartphone and mobile tablet platforms can be specified from the start or introduced gradually.
- Cloud base analysis and decoding